Housing Market News January 25, 2021

What Does 2021 Have in Store for Home Values?

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According to the latest CoreLogic Home Price Insights Report, nationwide home values increased by 8.2% over the last twelve months. The dramatic rise was brought about as the inventory of homes for sale reached historic lows at the same time buyer demand was buoyed by record-low mortgage rates. As CoreLogic explained:

“Home price growth remained consistently elevated throughout 2020. Home sales for the year are expected to register above 2019 levels. Meanwhile, the availability of for-sale homes has dwindled as demand increased and coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks continued across the country, which delayed some sellers from putting their homes on the market.

While the pandemic left many in positions of financial insecurity, those who maintained employment and income stability are also incentivized to buy given the record-low mortgage rates available; this is increasing buyer demand while for-sale inventory is in short supply.”

Where will home values go in 2021?

Home price appreciation in 2021 will continue to be determined by this imbalance of supply and demand. If supply remains low and demand is high, prices will continue to increase.

Housing Supply

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the current number of single-family homes for sale is 1,080,000. At the same time last year, that number stood at 1,450,000. We are entering 2021 with approximately 370,000 fewer homes for sale than there were one year ago.

However, there is some speculation that the inventory crush will ease somewhat as we move through the new year for two reasons:

1. As the health crisis eases, more homeowners will be comfortable putting their houses on the market.

2. Some households impacted financially by the pandemic will be forced to sell.

Housing Demand

Low mortgage rates have driven buyer demand over the last twelve months. According to Freddie Mac, rates stood at 3.72% at the beginning of 2020. Today, we’re starting 2021 with rates one full percentage point lower than that. Low rates create a great opportunity for homebuyers, which is one reason why demand is expected to remain high throughout the new year.

Taking into consideration these projections on housing supply and demand, real estate analysts forecast homes will continue to appreciate in 2021, but that appreciation may be at a steadier pace than last year. Here are their forecasts:What Does 2021 Have in Store for Home Values? | MyKCM

Bottom Line

There’s still a very limited number of homes for sale for the great number of purchasers looking to buy them. As a result, the concept of “supply and demand” mandates that home values in the country will continue to appreciate. Find out what your home is worth – click here.

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Buying a home January 25, 2021

Why Moving May Be Just the Boost You Need

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As we look back over the past year, we’ve certainly lived through one of the most stressful periods in recent history. After spending so much more time at home throughout the health crisis, some are wondering if they should move to improve their mental health and well-being. This is no surprise since the U.S. Census Bureau reported an increase in the percentage of adults with symptoms of anxiety and depression in a recent Household Pulse Survey.

There’s logic behind the idea that making a move could improve someone’s quality of life. When people change their scenery, they often feel happier. Catherine Hartley, an Assistant Professor at New York University’s Department of Psychology and co-author of a study on how new experiences impact happiness, mentioned:

“Our results suggest that people feel happier when they have more variety in their daily routines—when they go to novel places and have a wider array of experiences.”

If you’re looking for a new experience, planning a move into a new home may be something you’ve started to consider more carefully. If so, you’re not alone. The 2020 Annual National Movers Study by United Van Lines shows:

For customers who cited COVID-19 as an influence on their move in 2020, the top reasons associated with COVID-19 were concerns for personal and family health and wellbeing (60%); desires to be closer to family (59%); 57% moved due to changes in employment status or work arrangement (including the ability to work remotely); and 53% desired a lifestyle change or improvement of quality of life.”

So, if you’re thinking of moving this year to help boost your happiness factor, here are a few questions to ask yourself as you make your decision.

How’s the Weather?

Is the weather something that’s important to you? Does it have a tendency to impact your mood? The World Population Review shares:

“What states have the best weather? When evaluating each state for temperature, rain, and sun, some states stand out. Although climate and weather preferences are personal and subjective, some criteria are considered to make up the best weather, according to Current Results:

  • Comfortable temperatures from 63°F to 86°F for more than half of the year.
  • Dry weather with no more than 60 inches of rain per year.
  • Mostly clear skies with an average of sunshine for at least 60% of the year.”

“Better weather” can mean different things to different people – some prefer the heat, others cooler temperatures, and some want to experience all four seasons. Think about what makes you feel happiest if you’re looking for a new location.

Should I Choose the City, Suburbs, or Country?

With the COVID-19 pandemic, some people are deciding to move to lower-density areas. Robert Dietz, Chief Economist at the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), mentions:

“The third quarter Home Building Geography Index (HBGI) reveals that a suburban shift for consumer home buying preferences in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating as telecommuting is providing consumers more flexibility to live further out within large metros or even to relocate to more affordable, smaller metro areas.”

Can you work from home? Are you open to a longer commute in the future? If so, a move to the suburbs or even a quieter rural area may be a win for you. Or, if you’ve always dreamed of life in the city, now may be your chance to move into town.

Bottom Line

As we look beyond the trials of the pandemic, many are hoping for a new beginning, and that may mean moving. Let’s connect today to talk about your new goals and options in today’s market.

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Buying a home December 23, 2020

The Difference a Year Makes for Homeownership

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Over the past year, mortgage rates have fallen more than a full percentage point, hitting a new historic low 15 times. This is a great driver for homeownership, as today’s low rates provide consumers with some significant benefits. Here’s a look at three of them.

1. Move-up or Downsize: One option is to consider moving into a new home, putting the equity you’ve likely gained in your current house toward a down payment on a new one that better meets your needs – something that’s truly a perfect fit, especially if your lifestyle has changed this year.

2. Become a First-Time Homebuyer: There are many financial and non-financial benefits to owning a home, and the most important thing is to first decide when the time is right for you. You have to determine that on your own, but know that now is a great time to buy if you’re considering it. Just take a look at the cost of renting vs. buying.

3. Refinance: If you already own a home, you may decide you’re going to refinance. It’s one way to lock in a lower monthly payment and save more over time. However, it also means paying upfront closing costs, too. If you want to take this route, you have to answer the question: Should I refinance my home?

Why 2020 Was a Great Year for Homeownership

Last year, the average mortgage rate was 3.93% (substantially higher than it is today). If you waited for a better time to make a move, market conditions have improved significantly. Today’s low mortgage rates are a huge perk for buyers, so it’s a great time to get more for your money and consider a new home.

The chart below shows how much you would save per month based on today’s rates compared to what you would have paid if you purchased a home exactly one year ago, depending on how much you finance:The Difference a Year Makes for Homeownership | MyKCM

Bottom Line

If you’ve been waiting since last year to make your move into homeownership or to find a house that better meets your needs, today’s low mortgage rates may be just what you need to get the process going. Let’s connect today to discuss how you may benefit from the current rates.

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Housing Market News October 27, 2020

October 2020 Housing Market Update

Geoff Geen, President of Green Team Realty, welcomed everyone to the October 2020 Housing Market Update. The webinar, held on Tuesday, October 20 at 2 p.m. examined the housing market on both national and local levels.

If you missed the webinar or would like to view it again, it’s available here.

Meet the Panel

October Housing Market Update panelists were Nancy Sardo, and Tammy Scotto of Green Team New York Realty, and Keren Gonen of Green Team New Jersey Realty. Also joining the discussion was Ken Aulicino, Mortgage Loan Originator at Family First Funding.

Can the housing market recovery be sustained?

The U.S housing market has been a “V-shaped” Recovery. However, inventory continues to decline and is a big challenge. So, can the housing market keep it up?


US Consumer Spending is almost in a V-shaped recovery. Unemployment has been coming down the last 6 to 7 months. The number of mortgages in active forbearance is decreasing. Prior to the Great Recession, it was a buyers market, due to the number of homes on the market. In the early 2000s, there was also a lot of new construction happening. Now, we are firmly in a sellers’ market. There are just not enough homes to satisfy the needs of the current market.

Housing Market Oct 2020


The shortage of inventory remains a major issue. According to Realtor.com,

“Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March, nearly 400,000 few homes have been listed compared to last year, leaving a gaping hole in the U.S. housing inventory…

As a result, home prices are accelerating at double last year’s pace.”

According to the National Association of Realtors, Existing Home Sales are up by 10.5%. However, listings are down 39%. Listings for New Homes are down by 31%. However, sales of new homes have increased by 43%.

This really shows the inventory story.

Green Team Realty Oct Housing Market Update

Local Stats

In Orange County, NY, there are increases in units sold and in average sales price. Sussex County, NJ is now showing strong increases in average sales price, as well as in units sold.

Learn More, Watch the Webinar

Watch Geoff’s full presentation on national and local economic and real estate trends. In addition, our expert panel discusses their experiences in this market, including new construction. Click here to view the webinar.

Furthermore, you can compare prior statistics and trends. Click here for the September 2020 Housing Market Update.

“Housekeeping” Items

Green Team Realty Oct 2020 Housing Market Update

Contact our Panelists

Green Team Realty Oct 2020 HMU Contact Info

Join us on Tuesday, November 17 at 2 p.m.

Sign up for updates now at GreenTeamRealty.com/HMU

Agency News and Awards August 28, 2020

Meet Ryan Fisher

Chapter One: How Ryan met Geoff

Ryan Fisher comes to the Green Team with a distinction that no other sales associate can claim. Ryan and Geoff Green went to the University of New Hampshire together. After college, they worked together in the mall industry. That’s when Geoff recruited Ryan to Pyramid Management Group. Ryan was a top-performing specialty leasing representative at Palisades Shopping Mall. Within two years he grew to be in the top four producers in the company. During his time with Pyramid, Ryan honed skills and techniques that he uses to this day. He learned how to canvas and generate leads. He also learned the art of follow-up and setting appointments. Most importantly, he learned how to close. Ryan also developed the habit of setting goals and acquiring the positive mindset it takes to accomplish them.

Chapter Two: New England, Taxis, then Real Estate

Ryan decided to return to New England. For 12 years he owned and operated a taxi company on Martha’s Vineyard. It was here he learned to run a business from start to finish. Using connections from his university days, he hired students to work each summer. Furthermore, many of them returned to work for multiple summers. He grew the business acquiring a second medallion. This allowed him to operate in two towns with a fleet of 12 vehicles.

Somehow, during this time, he also managed to get his real estate license in Massachusetts. When it came time to buy, Ryan was able to negotiate a seller-financed deal to buy the mixed-use property he ran his business out of. After the purchase, Ryan developed the property by replacing the not-to code garage with a commercial garage with an apartment on top. He eventually sold the taxi medallions, but still owns the property and rents both the commercial and residential units out.

Chapter Three: Ryan and Geoff, Together Again!

Once again, Geoff and Ryan began collaborating on a business idea. Geoff pitched the idea of REALLY – The Business Referral Exchange™. Referrals within real estate are fragmented. REALLY offers Business professionals the chance to network and grow their business. Ryan was intrigued. He had always thought real estate would be a good fit. Ryan loves working with people and enjoys the challenges that come in this field. He was also eager to play a part in helping REALLY grow. Furthermore, It seemed a natural fit to join the Green Team.

Ryan is currently licensed in both Massachusetts and New York. He is happily married with two children and a dog named Mona. Ryan and family moved from New England to Warwick. Ryan brings to his real estate business a unique and extremely relevant skillset. He also brings his love of music, drumming in particular. Of course, Ryan and Mona the dog enjoy hiking and outdoor activities.

Selling a Home August 10, 2020

Why Homeowners Have Great Selling Power Today

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We’re sitting in an optimal moment in time for homeowners who are ready to sell their houses and make a move this year. Today’s homeowners are, on average, staying in their homes longer than they used to, and this is one factor driving increased homeowner equity. When equity grows, selling a house becomes increasingly desirable. Here’s a breakdown of why it’s a great time to capitalize on equity gain in today’s market.

As average homeowner tenure lengthens and home prices rise, equity, a form of forced savings, can be applied forward to the purchase of a new home. CoreLogic explains:

“Over the past 10 years, the equity position of homeowners has positively changed as a result of more than eight years of rising home prices. As the economy climbed out of the recession in the first quarter of 2010, 25.9% or 12.1 million homes were still underwater, compared to the first quarter of 2020 when the negative equity share was at 3.4%, or 1.8 million properties. Borrowers have seen an aggregate increase of $6.2 trillion in home equity since the first quarter of 2010 and the average homeowner has gained about $106,100 in equity.”

Increasing equity is enabling many homeowners who are ready to sell their current houses today to sell for an increased profit, and then reinvest their earnings in a new home. According to the Q2 2020 U.S. Home Sales Report from ATTOM Data Solutions, in the second quarter of 2020:

Home sellers nationwide realized a gain of $75,971 on the typical sale, up from the $66,500 in the first quarter of 2020 and from $65,250 in the second quarter of last year. The latest figure, based on median purchase and resale prices, marked yet another peak level of raw profits in the United States since the housing market began recovering from the Great Recession in 2012.”

If you’ve been taking a closer look at your house recently and are thinking it might be time for you to make a move, determining your equity position is a great place to start. Understanding how much equity you’ve earned over time can be a key factor in helping you realize the potential profits in your real estate investment and move toward your next homeownership goal.

Bottom Line

With average home sale profits growing, it’s a great time to leverage your equity and make a move, especially while the inventory of houses for sale and mortgage rates are historically low. If you’re considering selling your house, let’s connect today so you can better understand your home equity position and take one step closer to the home of your dreams.

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Housing Market News August 10, 2020

The Latest Unemployment Report: Slow and Steady Improvement

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.74″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its latest Employment Situation Summary. Going into the release, the expert consensus was for 1.58 million jobs to be added in July, and for the unemployment rate to fall to 10.5%.

When the official report came out, it revealed that 1.8 million jobs were added, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2% (from 11.1% last month). Once again, this is excellent news as this was the third consecutive month the unemployment rate decreased.The Latest Unemployment Report: Slow and Steady Improvement | MyKCMThere is, however, still a long way to go before the job market fully recovers. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) put a potential date on that recovery:

“July’s payroll growth, at 1.8 million, still leaves total payrolls 12.9 million lower than in February. And yet if job gains continued at July’s pace, that deficit will be erased by March 2021. If payrolls reclaim their last peak in 13 months, that would be remarkably fast. It took more than six years after the last recession.”

Permanent vs. Temporary Unemployment

During a pandemic, it’s important to differentiate those who have lost their jobs on a temporary basis from those who have lost them on a permanent basis. Morgan Stanley economists noted in the same WSJ article:

“The rate of churn in the labor market remains incredibly high, but a notable positive detail in this month’s report was the downtick in the rate of new permanent layoffs.”

To address this, the core unemployment rate becomes increasingly important. It identifies the number of people who have permanently lost their jobs. This measure subtracts temporary layoffs and adds unemployed who did not search for a job recently. Jed Kolko, Chief Economist at Indeed and the founder of the index reported:

“Core unemployment fell in July for the first time in the pandemic. That’s the good news I was hoping for.”

What about the housing market?

The housing market has continued to show tremendous resilience during the pandemic. Commenting on the labor report, Robert Dietz, Chief Economist for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), tweeted:

“Housing continues to rebound in another positive labor market report. Home builder and remodeler job gains of 24K for July. Residential construction employment down just 56.4K compared to a year ago. Total residential construction employment at 2.85 million.”

Bottom Line

We should remain cautious in our optimism, as the recovery is ultimately tied to our future success in mitigating the ongoing health crisis. However, as Mike Fratantoni, Chief Economist for the Mortgage Bankers Association, reminds us“The pace of job growth slowed in July, but the gains over the past three months represent an impressive rebound during the ongoing economic challenges brought forth by the pandemic.”
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Agency News and Awards July 22, 2020

Green Team Realty’s 2nd Quarter 2020 Sales Leaders

Congratulations from Geoff Green, President of Green Team Realty, to our 2nd Quarter Sales Leaders.

Geoff Green, President of Green Team Realty, was proud to announce the 2nd Quarter 2020 Sales Leaders. They are Chris Kimiecik of Green Team New York Realty in Warwick NY, In addition, Carol Buchanan was second and Terry Gavan, third.  Keren Gonen is 2Q Sales Leader for Green Team New Jersey Realty, located in Vernon NJ, with Charles Nagy and Ted Van Laar in second place, and Pam Zachowski in third.

Chris Kimiecik, Green Team New York Realty 

Geoff had the following to say about Chris’s achievement:

“Chris Kimiecik is a shining example of “success begets success.”  Here is a guy who runs one of the most successful landscaping companies in Orange County and yet he finds time to not only become a Realtor, but to be very successful at doing so.   Chris will be the first one to point out that he couldn’t do it all without the support of his wife Megan who plays an integral role in his Real Estate business.  This is the first Quarterly Sales Leader award for Chris, but I am certain that there will be more.  Congratulations Chris and Megan!”

Chris on being 2Q Sales Leader

“Our clients, my wife and real estate partner, Megan, and the support of The Green Team “Warwick” all played a part on this journey to Q2 sales leader. Through diversified businesses that integrate with each other, and our partnership with the Green Team, we are able to offer an unmatched experience. When you surround yourself with the right people and team, anything is possible.  We look forward to working with you, your friends, your family and anyone considering buying or selling a home in Warwick NY and surrounding area.”

Keren Gonen, Green Team New Jersey Realty

Geoff said the following about Keren’s latest achievement:

“If it wasn’t clear before, it should be abundantly clear to everyone now that Keren Gonen is going to top the production charts in her market territory for many years to come.  No one works harder and cares more for her clients then Keren.  We are extremely blessed to have Keren as part of Green Team New Jersey Realty.  Congratulations Keren, and keep up the good work!”

This is not Keren’s first time as a Sales Leader. This is her third time as Quarterly Sales Leader. And in 2017, the year Keren started at Green Team New Jersey Realty, she was Yearly Sales Leader.

Keren on being 2Q Sales Leader

Keren had this to say about her latest achievement:

“I am very grateful to be the Second Quarter Sales Leader!  2020 started out really well for me in the Real Estate Market as it did for many others.  I contribute this to the networking group I am a part of (Referral Roundtable), my involvement in the Community, and my overall work ethic. I am that agent that gets up at 5 am to finish paperwork and still is out with clients late in the evening. This Pandemic that has aggressively changed all of our lives, also changed the Housing Market.  Like many others, working during COVID-19 means that I was able to assist clients running away from The City and into “The Country.”  Working seven days a week, coordinating showings during Corona, along with inspections, appraisals, and being mindful of how cautious we all must be during this process meant that I was able to help more people get into new homes.  Although Real Estate Agents were not deemed “Essential Workers” and thank God for those people who put their lives on the line every day and continue to do so, I believe that Real Estate Agents made the mass exodus from NYC possible for many people that were hopeless and quarantined.  This made us Agents essential to those people seeking a different way of life.”

Selling a Home July 9, 2020

Best Time to Sell? When Competition Is at an All-Time Low

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In a recent survey of home sellers by Qualtrics, 87% of respondents said they were concerned their home won’t sell because of the pandemic and resulting economic recession. Of the respondents, 51% said they are “seriously worried.” That concern seems reasonable considering the current condition of the economy. The data, however, is showing that home purchasers are still very active despite the disruptions American families have experienced this year.

The latest Existing Home Sales Report published by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) revealed that 340,000 single-family homes sold in this country last month. NAR’s most recent Pending Sales Report (homes going into contract) surpassed last month’s number by over 44%, which far exceeded analysts’ projections of 15%. ShowingTime reported that appointments to see homes (both virtually and in-person) have increased in every region of the country and are up 21.4% nationwide over the same time last year.

While buyer activity is surging, the number of listings has fallen to an all-time low. Zelman Associates, in their latest residential real estate report, revealed that housing inventory as a percentage of households has fallen to 1.2%, which is half of the long-term average and lower than any other time in our history.

Bidding Wars Heating Up Again

With buyer demand growing and the supply of available homes shrinking, purchasers are again finding themselves needing to outbid other buyers. NAR, in a recent blog post, revealed:

“On average, there were about three offers on a home that closed in May, up from just about two in April 2020 and in May 2019 (2.3 offers).”

Bidding wars guarantee houses sell quickly at a price near or even slightly over the listing price.

Bottom Line

If you’re thinking of selling, don’t be concerned about putting your house on the market right now. There’s no better time to sell an item than when demand for it is high and supply is low. It is exactly at that time when you will negotiate your best possible deal.

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Selling a Home July 1, 2020

Think You Should For Sale By Owner? Think Again [INFOGRAPHIC]

Think You Should For Sale By Owner? Think Again [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights 

  • For Sale By Owner (FSBO) is the process of selling real estate without the representation of a real estate broker or real estate agent.
  • According to the National Association of Realtors’ Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers, 35% of homeowners who decided to FSBO last year did so to avoid paying a commission or fee. But, homes sold with an agent net 6% more than those sold as a FSBO according to Collateral Analytics.
  • Before you decide to take on the challenge of selling your house on your own, let’s connect to discuss your options.