Save Energy and Money You can save energy and money with a few simple fixes today! Like it or not, the cold weather is on its way, and there’s no time like now to begin preparing for it here in the Warwick Valley than by looking at ways to cut your energy usage in your […]
How a “Green” house can save you money while protecting the environment. When we think about going green, we usually mean protecting the environment. But a green or environmentally sound home can also save the green in your checking account. The bottom line is you can save money by building a green-friendly house or making energy […]
The Orange County NY housing market is truly on a roll. Units sold are up by almost 35% YTD vs 2015. This comes after a 25% increase in units sold in 2015 vs 2014. What is curious is that the average home price increase is still tepid at best. We saw the first such increase […]