Sellers Have an Opportunity with Today’s Home Prices
As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homeowners began to wonder if the value of their homes would fall. Here’s the good news. Historically, when mortgage rates rise by a percentage point or more, home values continue to appreciate. The latest data on home prices seems to confirm that trend.
According to data from CoreLogic, home price appreciation has been re-accelerating since November. The graph below shows this increase in home price appreciation in green:
This is largely due to an ongoing imbalance in supply and demand. Specifically, housing supply is still low, and demand is high. As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homebuyers rushed to make their purchases before those rates could climb higher. The increased competition drove home prices up even more. Selma Hepp, Deputy Chief Economist at CoreLogic, explains:
“Home price growth continued to gain speed in early spring, as eager buyers tried to get in front of the mortgage rate surge.”
And experts say prices are forecast to continue appreciating, just at a more moderate pace moving forward. A recent article from Fortune says:
“. . . the swift move up in mortgage rates . . . doesn’t mean home prices are about to crash. In fact, every major real estate firm with a publicly released forecast model . . . still predicts home prices will climb further this year.”
What This Means for You
If you’re thinking about selling your house, you should know you have a great opportunity to list your home and capitalize on today’s home price appreciation. As prices rise, so does the value of your home, which gives your equity a big boost.
When you sell, you can use that equity toward the purchase of your next home. And at today’s record-level of appreciation, that equity may be enough to cover some (if not all) of your down payment.
Bottom Line
History shows rising mortgage rates have not had a negative impact on home prices. Now is still a great time to sell your house thanks to ongoing price appreciation. When you’re ready to find out how much equity you have in your current home and what’s happening with home prices in your local area, let’s connect.
Carol Buchanan Promoted to Broker Manager
“Carol is, and always has been, one of the most professional Realtors I have ever met. We have been blessed to have her as part of our Agency now for 3.5 years. During this time she has been nothing but a pleasure to work with. Additionally, from the moment you get to know Carol, her depth of knowledge and work ethic shine. She is going to make a fantastic Broker Manager for many years to come.”
Over 30 years of business experience
Carol brings with her a diversified real estate background. She started in real estate working for a marketing company. That company managed sales and marketing of new construction developments. While there, she earned her Associate Brokers license and became the Manager of several New Home Developments throughout Orange County and Peekskill. Once she went back to being a selling agent, she worked for both small real estate offices and large real estate corporate offices. Her work experience also includes working at the corporate headquarters of Benjamin Moore & Company as the Assistant to the Regional Director and Major Events Coordinator. Each of these positions challenged Carol to develop new skills. And it is these skills that she now brings to her new position with Green Team New York Realty.
New Agent, Michelle Spina Closes her First Sale!
Michelle Spina is a new agent, not only to Green Team Realty but also to real estate as a whole. With only a couple of months behind her in the profession, Michelle closed on her first sale at 319 South Route 94 in Warwick, NY. This is a commercial property that was available for rent.
Michelle attended college at SUNY New Paltz where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Marketing. She spent the last 6 years working as a TV Media Buyer where she serviced a large variety of clients, some of which include movie studios, grocery stores, and kids’ toys. Michelle excels in sales, advertising, and has great communication skills.
For the past couple of years, Michelle had been interested in starting a profession in real estate. With her history in marketing, she knew it would be a great opportunity for her. In March of 2021, she decided it was time to start her real estate career. She obtained her license and began her new career with Green Team New York Realty.
We look forward to seeing what other great opportunities lie ahead for Michelle and how far she will bring her business in the future. Congratulations Michelle!
If you would like to work with Michelle, contact us!
A Castle in the Valley

The Castle
Nestled on 13 beautiful acres, in Pine Bush, NY, near the Minnewaska State Parkland is a gorgeous castle built in the 1940’s. This one-of-a-kind 5 bedroom, 3 bedroom home was built for those looking to be treated like royalty. Overlooking a private, mountain-stream fed pond surrounded by beautiful gardens, sunrise views and a barn this home was recently renovated with updates that allow it to keep all of its character and charm. The stone exterior projects an 11th century vibe complete with a tower built for fairytales. Yet, Rapunzel will no longer be letting down her golden hair, instead you’ll find your zen in this yoga/meditation space.
The King
Who better to purchase a home fit for a king? Carlos Franqui, owner of Floratorium; bringing floral and art together to free flowers from the confines of their vase. Quoting the About section on his website: Carlos Franqui is an advertising creative turned fashion stylist and floral designer based in NYC. He combines his knowledge of media and brand strategy with his innate passion for art and design to innovate unique installation concepts for each of his clients. His work has been featured throughout the world but most recently at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. He has also worked with popular brands like Versace, Soul Cycle, The Beekman, Lively and more.
- Castle Retreat
- The Castle
The Sale
Real Estate Professional Karen Gauvin and Carlos began working together in the Winter of 2021. Carlos was originally in search of a rustic farmhouse that he could utilize as an opportunity to expand his business with a venue enabling him to host private, invitation-only events. Home after home was viewed but zoning regulations or unfit land prevented a purchase. Karen began to explore alternate options and came across the castle. With inches of snow on the ground, they strapped on their snows boots exploring the glorious frozen tundra. As they toured the grounds and climbed the castle stairs, Carlos’s mind began to fill with creative opportunities this new search has delivered. His original thoughts on a rustic farmhouse getaway became entrenched with the creative endeavors of an exclusive castle retreat. Spring in the Hudson Valley showered green on the castle lands and with the blossoms emerging the sights of a secret garden. A perfect destination for a floral artist, this castle could be no better suited for this king.
Our agents expertise and understanding of her clients allowed this entrepreneur to fulfill her client’s wishlist with a home that exceeded his expectations.
Green Teams Small Groups
If you’re looking to improve your real estate career, consider joining a brokerage that puts emphasis on teamwork and peer relationships. Even though that might not be something that initially comes to mind as a helpful resource in real estate. Green Team Realty is showing the positive effects that it has on its agents’ work.
“Small Groups” was created by Green Team Realty to give its sales associates the opportunity to connect and learn more from their peers. Each group consists of 1 group leader and no more than 10 group members. These meetings occur monthly with the exception of August and December. Every group is then given activities and discussion topics that cover everything from sales skills to health and wellness.
Carol Buchanan was the first sales associate to lead one of these groups. She has been a real estate professional for nearly 29 years, a member of Green Team New York Realty for four years, and achieved the Gold Award for $5-10 Million in Sales Volume for 2021. . Her group meets on the second Friday of every month and the members have grown exceptionally close since its start. Carol works with Morgan Beattie, New York’s Agent Service Manager (ASM), to make sure that her group has everything they need for the meetings including printouts and snacks.
Carol, as well as the other group leaders, are experienced professionals and great people for their group members to learn from.
Green Team Realty hires agents of all experience levels and Small Groups is a great asset to new and experienced agents alike. If this sounds like a team you would enjoy being part of, consider reaching out to us to learn more about what Green Team offers its agents.