Housing Market News

Housing Market News Home Price Appreciation Is Skyrocketing in 2021. What About 2022? One of the major story lines over the last year is how well the residential real estate market performed. One key metric in the spotlight is home price appreciation. According to the latest indices, home prices are skyrocketing this year. Here are the latest percentages showing the year-over-year increase in home price appreciation: The House Price […]
Housing Market News Understand Your Options To Avoid Foreclosure Even though experts agree there’s no chance of a large-scale foreclosure crisis, there are a number of homeowners who may be coming face-to-face with foreclosure as a possibility. And while the overall percentage of homeowners at risk is decreasing with time (see graph below), that’s little comfort to those individuals who are facing challenges today.If you haven’t […]
Housing Market News 5 Reasons Today’s Housing Market Is Anything but Normal There are many headlines out there that claim we’re reverting to a more normal real estate market. That would indicate the housing market is returning to the pre-pandemic numbers we saw from 2015-2019. But that’s not happening. The market is still extremely vibrant as demand is still strong even while housing supply is slowly returning. […]
Housing Market News What Buyers and Sellers Need To Know About the Appraisal Gap It’s economy 101 – when supply is low and demand is high, prices naturally rise. That’s what’s happening in today’s housing market. Home prices are appreciating at near-historic rates, and that’s creating some challenges when it comes to home appraisals. In recent months, it’s become increasingly common for an appraisal to come in below the contract price on […]
Housing Market News What To Do with Your Vacation Home as Summer Ends As summer comes to a close, is it time to think about selling your vacation home? Based on recent data and expert opinions, it’s something you may want to consider. According to research from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), vacation home sales are up 57.2% year-over-year for January-April 2021. If you’ve taken your last vacation this summer, here are […]
Housing Market News August 2021 Housing Market Update The August 2021 Housing Market Update, hosted by Geoff Green, was held on August 7 at 12 p.m. One focus of the webinar was the possibility of a housing bust, with the market imploding. The overall consensus is that it is not going to happen. Geoff presented several reasons why it won’t, including this quote […]
Housing Market News Real Estate: It’s Still a Lack of Supply, Not a Lack of Demand One of the major questions real estate experts are asking today is whether prospective homebuyers still believe purchasing a home makes sense. Some claim rapidly rising home prices are impacting demand and, by extension, leading to the recent slowdown in sales activity. However, demand isn’t the real issue. Instead, it’s the lack of supply (homes […]
Housing Market News Are Houses Less Affordable Than They Were in Past Decades? There are many headlines about how housing affordability is declining. The headlines are correct: it’s less affordable to purchase a home today than it was a year ago. However, it’s important to give this trend context. Is it less expensive to buy a house today than it was in 2005? What about 1995? What happens […]
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Housing Market News The Community and Economic Impacts of a Home Sale If you’re thinking of buying or selling a house, chances are you’re focusing on the many extraordinary ways it’ll change your life. What you may not realize is that decision impacts people’s lives far beyond your own. Home purchases and sales are significant drivers of economic activity. They have a major impact on your community and the […]
Housing Market News July 2021 Housing Market Update Geoff Green, host of the July 2021 Housing Market Update, welcomed viewers. Panelists for this month’s update were Keren Gonen and Kristi Anderson, both with Green Team New Jersey Realty, and Laura Moritz, Director of Sales at Classic Mortgage. If you missed the July 20 webinar or would like to view it again, it is […]
Housing Market News 4 Reasons Why the End of Forbearance Will Not Lead to a Wave of Foreclosures With forbearance plans about to come to an end, many are concerned the housing market will experience a wave of foreclosures like what happened after the housing bubble 15 years ago. Here are four reasons why that won’t happen. 1. There are fewer homeowners in trouble this time After the last housing crash, about 9.3 million households […]
Housing Market News 3 Hot Topics in the Housing Market Right Now If you’re a prospective buyer or seller, it’s important to understand the current real estate market conditions and how they affect you. The Counselors of Real Estate (CRE) just released its Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate report. Here are three hot topics from the list and how they impact today’s housing market. Technology Acceleration and Innovation The past year […]
Housing Market News Today’s Real Estate Market Explained Through 4 Key Trends As we move into the second half of the year, one thing is clear: the current real estate market is one for the record books. The exact mix of conditions we have today creates opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Here’s a look at four key components that are shaping this unprecedented market. A Shortage […]
Housing Market News 3 Charts That Show This Isn’t a Housing Bubble With home prices continuing to deliver double-digit increases, some are concerned we’re in a housing bubble like the one in 2006. However, a closer look at the market data indicates this is nothing like 2006 for three major reasons. 1. The housing market isn’t driven by risky mortgage loans. Back in 2006, nearly everyone could […]
Housing Market News Housing Supply Is Rising. What Does That Mean for You? An important factor in today’s market is the number of homes for sale. While inventory levels continue to sit near historic lows, there are indications we may have hit the lowest point we’ll see. Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist at First American, recently said of our supply challenges: “It looks like inventory may have hit a bottom (we’ve seen this in […]
Housing Market News Why This Isn’t Your Typical Summer Housing Market In real estate, it’s normal to see ebbs and flows in the market. Typically, the summer months are slower-paced than the traditionally busy spring. But this isn’t a typical summer. As the economy rebounds and life is returning to normal, the real estate market is expected to have an unusually strong summer season. Here’s how […]
Housing Market News Your Home Equity Can Take You Places Some Highlights The amount of wealth Americans have stored in their homes has increased astronomically. On average, homeowners gained $33,400 in equity over the last 12 months, and the average equity on mortgaged homes is now $216,000. When it’s time to sell, your home equity can help accomplish your goals. Let’s connect to discuss how you can take advantage of today’s […]
Housing Market News A Look at Home Price Appreciation Through 2025 Home prices have increased significantly over the last year, which in turn has grown the net worth of homeowners. Appreciation and home equity are directly linked – as the value of a home increases, so does a homeowner’s equity. And with these recent gains, homeowners are witnessing their financial stability and well-being grow to record levels. In […]
Housing Market News Are We in a Housing Bubble? Experts Say No. The question of whether the real estate market is a bubble ready to pop seems to be dominating a lot of conversations – and everyone has an opinion. Yet, when it comes down to it, the opinions that carry the most weight are the ones based on experience and expertise. Here are four expert opinions […]
Housing Market News What Do Experts See on the Horizon for the Second Half of the Year? As we move into the latter half of the year, questions about what’s to come are top of mind for buyers and sellers. Near record-low mortgage rates coupled with rising home price appreciation kicked off a robust housing market in the first half of 2021, but what does the forecast tell us about what’s on […]