Agency News and Awards September 16, 2021

Congrats to Ted Van Laar and Charles Nagy For Reaching the Cap!

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Congratulations From Geoffrey Green, President Of Green Team Realty, To Ted Van Laar and Charles Nagy for reaching the commission cap for Company Dollar Contribution in 2021!

Geoff Green’s thoughts about Ted Van Laar and Charles Nagy:


“Charlie and Ted, or the dynamic duo as we call them, have done it again.  And, this comes as no surprise because they work hard, stay well connected to their sphere of influence, and have an amazing depth of knowledge.  I have no doubt that Charlie and Ted will remain as top producers in this market place, so the only thing left to question is who is Batman, and who is Robin?  I am not sure anyone can make that designation because both of them are truly leaders in our office and in our market place.  Way to go Gents!  Keep up the good work!”



Ted Van Laar and Charles Nagy dedication to their clients and hard work has allowed them to reach the cap on their commission with Green Team Realty. This is an outstanding accomplishment and means Ted Van Laar and Charles Nagy will now receive a 100% commission split on any deal they closes during 2021.


Charles Nagy’s thoughts on hitting the cap:

Charlie And Ted

“Reaching cap is about achieving a goal I set for myself at the beginning of each year.. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with it including knowing I am contributing to the growth of GTNJR, notwithstanding

the monetary aspect.  It’s proving to myself that I can compete with my peers at the highest level.  In some ways, it’s also a tribute to my clients who have remained loyal to me over the years and when in need of a new home or purchasing their first home they remember me for the way I helped them in the past.  Service is really our only commodity and great service is always rewarded.”


Green Team Realty’s commission structure is, no doubt, one of the finest in the industry, but it doesn’t end there.  Our lead generation platform, certified sales assistant program, and dynamic training systems are just a few other things worth mentioning. 

To learn more about Green Team Realty and why you should join our team click here.

Congratulations, Ted Van Laar and Charles Nagy!
