Agency News and Awards April 9, 2023

Easter Bunny makes An “Egg-citing” visit!

There’s nothing as Egg-citing as a visit from the Easter Bunny!

When BHGRE Green Team learned the Easter Bunny would be visiting Vernon a little early this year we “hopped” right into action. On March 9th our agents, Joe Mackey, Kimberly Lasalandra, Toni Kreusch, Kristi Anderson, Amy Klypka, Charles Nagy, Barbara Tesa, and Peggy Bradfield all got together. They spent hours filling eggs for our fuzzy friend. They then spread them around during an easter egg hunt at our Vernon office on Saturday, April 1st. Once all the eggs were filled we could barely contain our excitement. 

Finally, the wait was over, and our team rushed to the office to see the magic that the Easter Bunny had created. When Barbara Tesa, Kim Lasalandra, Peggy Bradfield, Kristi Anderson, Vikki Garby, Heidi Hyland, Toni Kreusch, and Ted Van Laar walked through the door they couldn’t believe their eyes. Despite the rainy weather, our office was full of festive Spring Vibes. There were decorations, treats, easter eggs, and The Easter Bunny himself! 

Soon enough it was time for the fun to really begin. When the children and their families arrived at our office it was time to start the egg hunt. You could feel the air buzzing with excitement as they ran through the rooms collecting as many eggs as would fit in their baskets. Our team and the Easter Bunny cheered them on the entire time. Once all the eggs were found the Easter Bunny was happy to sit for photos with the kids. 

Our team loves to see the joy that these events bring to the members of our community. This was an amazing experience for all of us and we can’t wait until we host our next fun event!