Agency News and Awards June 21, 2021

Meet Nerette Lewis

Nerette Lewis brings a unique skill-set with her to Green Team New York Realty.  She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with a minor in sociology, from Lehman College, City University of New York. For the past 8 years, she has worked as a Registrar in Healthcare. Prior to that, she worked in various customer service jobs at Call Centers in Pennsylvania and in California. Her education and work experience honed her skills in listening to clients, and in problem solving and resolution. 

In 2018, Nerette and her husband Juan purchased a home in Westtown. That major life event, purchasing a home, led to another. Nerette and Juan had worked with a Green Team realtor, and that experience was so positive that Nerette was inspired to enter the real estate profession herself. 

Nerette has a personal philosophy that impacts her real estate business. As a society, we can ensure that everyone has a better life. And with a little help, everyone can obtain the American Dream. There are programs, such as SONYMA, which may provide grant money to some first-time homeowners in New York State. There are many programs and opportunities that people are not aware of, and Nerette would like to help as many people as she can achieve homeownership.

In her spare time, Nerette has taken up gardening and is looking forward to this season’s yield. It looks like Nerette, Juan, and their dog, Oreo, are living their American Dream!