Agency News and AwardsAgent Tips August 29, 2020


Green Team Realty’s Mentor Program

When asked why they joined the Green Team, many sales associates cite the company’s exceptional training programs.  There is an ever-growing library of video training sessions, as well as tech training and practice sessions. Education is an ongoing part of the Green Team.   However, one of the most popular training programs is the Mentoring Program.

How the mentor program came into existence

Like many great ideas, this one had humble beginnings.  Geoff Green says that the match that lit the fire was when one of his more experienced agents came to him. He told Geoff, “You have got to start training all these new agents because they keep bothering me!”  Geoff replied, “You’re right!  I do.” Thus, the mentoring program was born.

It was not without growing pains.  There were lots of mistakes and missteps in the beginning, but since 2010 it has blossomed and evolved into a well-oiled machine. There are rules, responsibilities, and expectations for both mentor and mentee. It was important to make the program manageable for mentors and to make sure they were well paid for their time and effort.  Most importantly, new sales associates entering into a mentoring arrangement benefit from real-life learning, day in, and day out.

The program benefits both Mentee and Mentor

The program works so well because it does provide benefits to both parties. A mentor provides time, experience, and knowledge. Mentees compensate their mentors according to the terms outlined in the contract they enter into. The mentor’s responsibilities are designed to offer mentees the knowledge and support they need to successfully do a transaction from beginning to end. For many of those entering into a mentor/mentee agreement, the end result is lasting friendship and mutual support.

Hear from some of the Sales Associates involved in the program

Probably one of the best ways to learn about the program is from those involved in it. Some started out as mentees and are now mentors. Dean Diltz in the Warwick office is very enthusiastic about the program.  He came from a marketing background and when he started with the Green Team, Lucyann Tinnirello became his mentor. She showed him the ropes, helped him get up and running the Green Team way. They became friends and, even while her “student” now mentors sales associates himself, he still goes to her for advice.   Dean advises new agents, as well as those coming from other offices, to work with a mentor.

Vikki Garby started with another agency in 2014 and received no training.  The following year she was recruited and mentored by Green Team’s Tammy Scotto. In addition to the mentorship, Vikki found that the Green Team provided video tutorials and how-to’s on every aspect of real estate.  She was highly motivated and dove into the videos and into shadowing Tammy, learning from every transaction. According to Vikki, if you work the mentorship program, it works for you. The tools are there, and if you use them, you’ll be successful.  If you’re highly motivated, following your mentor around for a few months should give you enough confidence to go out on your own.

Mentoring at Green Team New Jersey Realty

When Green Team New Jersey Realty opened its doors in September 2016, the mentoring program began there, too. One of the first teams was Keren Gonen, mentor and Alison Miller, mentee According to Geoff, Alison began “tearing it up!” Keren says that Alison had the drive to succeed, and that made it easy to work with her. And Keren enjoyed the satisfaction that came from contributing to someone’s success.  As far as Alison goes, Geoff pushed for her to join the mentoring program as soon as she came on board with the Green Team. He said it would help her through every step of the way and so she signed up.  While she liked doing a lot of things on her own, she was not afraid to call on Keren, who was always available when she needed something, including being there for her first closing. According to Alison, anyone new to the business needs the program.  And, it’s always good to have that back-up.