Advice on Selling Your Home

If You’re Selling Your House This Summer, Hiring a Pro Is Critical

By Nicole McCormick | Jun 30, 2022 | 0 Comments

It can be tempting, especially with how hot the housing market has been over the past two years, to consider selling your home on your own. But today’s market is at a turning point, making it more essential than ever to work with a real estate professional. Not only will a trusted real estate advisor keep you updated […]

Why an Agent Is Essential When Pricing Your House [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Nicole McCormick | Jun 30, 2022 | 0 Comments

Some Highlights When it comes to pricing your house, there’s a lot to consider. The only way to ensure you price it right is by partnering with a local real estate professional. To find the best price, your agent balances current market demand, the values of homes in your neighborhood, where prices are headed, and your […]

A Majority of Consumers Say It’s a Good Time To Sell Your House

By Nicole McCormick | Jun 15, 2022 | 0 Comments

If you’re a homeowner thinking about selling your house, you’re probably looking for the best time to make your move. That means you’re likely balancing a number of factors, like your changing needs, where you’ll go when you sell, and today’s mortgage rates in order to time it just right. According to recent data, that sweet spot could […]

Why You Need an Expert To Determine the Right Price for Your House

By Nicole McCormick | Jun 9, 2022 | 0 Comments

If your lifestyle has changed recently and you’re ready to make a move, taking advantage of today’s sellers’ market might be just the answer for your summer plans. With homes continuing to get multiple offers, this could be your moment to get the contract you’re looking for on your house if you’re ready to sell. And here’s the thing […]

What Does the Rest of the Year Hold for the Housing Market?

By Nicole McCormick | Jun 1, 2022 | 0 Comments

If you’re thinking of buying or selling a house, you’re at an exciting decision point. And anytime you make a big decision like that, one thing you should always consider is timing. So, what does the rest of the year hold for the housing market? Here’s what experts have to say. The Number of Homes Available for Sale Is […]

How Buying or Selling a Home Benefits the Economy and Your Community

By Nicole McCormick | May 29, 2022 | 0 Comments

If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, chances are you’re focusing on the many extraordinary ways it’ll change your life. But do you know it has a large impact on your community too? To measure that impact, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) releases a report each year to highlight just how much economic activity a home sale generates. The chart […]

Sellers Have an Opportunity with Today’s Home Prices

By Nicole McCormick | May 29, 2022 | 0 Comments

As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homeowners began to wonder if the value of their homes would fall. Here’s the good news. Historically, when mortgage rates rise by a percentage point or more, home values continue to appreciate. The latest data on home prices seems to confirm that trend. According to data from CoreLogic, home price appreciation has […]

Work With a Real Estate Professional if You Want the Best Advice

By Nicole McCormick | May 23, 2022 | 0 Comments

Because buying or selling a home is such a big decision in our lives, the need for clear, trustworthy information and guidance is crucial. And while no one can give you perfect advice, when you align yourself with an expert, you’ll get the best advice for your situation. An Expert Will Give You the Best Advice Possible Let’s say you need […]

If You’re a Homeowner, You Have Incredible Leverage When You Sell Today

By Nicole McCormick | May 16, 2022 | 0 Comments

In today’s housing market, homeowners have a great opportunity to sell their house and receive the best terms for their personal situation. That’s because there’s a limited number of homes for sale, which is creating competition among buyers. Right now, homebuyers want three things: To be the winning bid on their dream home To buy before mortgage rates rise more To buy […]

Should You Update Your House Before Selling? Ask a Real Estate Professional. [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Nicole McCormick | May 13, 2022 | 0 Comments

Some Highlights If you’re deciding whether you should make updates before you sell your house, lean on your trusted real estate advisor to be your guide. In today’s sellers’ market, buyers have limited options and may be more willing to take on repairs themselves. If you’re thinking about selling your house, let’s connect so you have expert advice that’s customized to your home and […]

Your House Could Be Closer to List-Ready Than You Think

By Nicole McCormick | May 5, 2022

One of the biggest concerns for a homeowner looking to sell is the time they’ll have to put in before listing their house. If that’s the case for you, you should know – your home might be closer to list-ready than you think in today’s housing market. A survey of recent sellers from finds that many were able to […]

Give Your Curb Appeal a Boost Before You Sell [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Nicole McCormick | May 4, 2022

Some Highlights If you’re thinking about selling your house this season, focusing on a few quick and easy updates outside can help your home look its best. 78% of real estate agents polled say poor landscaping affects property values. As a seller, that means your yard could impact your bottom line. When getting your house ready to sell, let’s connect to discuss what […]

What You Need To Know About Selling in a Sellers’ Market

By Nicole McCormick | May 4, 2022

Even if you haven’t been following real estate news, you’ve likely heard about the current sellers’ market. That’s because there’s a lot of talk about how strong market conditions are for people who want to sell their houses. But if you’re thinking about listing your house, you probably want to know: what does being in a sellers’ market really […]

Why This Housing Market Is Not a Bubble Ready To Pop

By Nicole McCormick | April 26, 2022

Homeownership has become a major element in achieving the American Dream. A recent report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) finds that over 86% of buyers agree homeownership is still the American Dream. Prior to the 1950s, less than half of the country owned their own home. However, after World War II, many returning veterans used the benefits afforded by […]

Working with Local Real Estate Professionals Makes a Difference

By Nicole McCormick | April 21, 2022

Whether you’ve entered the real estate market as a buyer or a seller, you’ve probably heard this real estate mantra. “Location, location, location” refers to how identical homes can increase or decrease in value due to where they’re located. Well, a new survey shows that when it comes to choosing a real estate agent, the millennial generation’s […]

Is It Time To Buy a Smaller Home?

By Nicole McCormick | April 19, 2022

Life events can have a major impact on what you need from your home, and retirement is one of the biggest changes many of us face. This period of your life can mean doing more of the things you enjoy, like traveling, visiting with loved ones, or taking on new hobbies. But what does that […]

On the Fence of Whether or Not To Move This Spring? Consider This.

By Nicole McCormick | April 14, 2022

If you’re thinking of selling your house, it may be because you’ve heard prices are rising, listings are going fast, and sellers are getting multiple offers on their homes. But why are conditions so good for sellers today? And what can you expect when you move? To help answer both of those questions, let’s turn to the data. Today, there are far […]

Why a Real Estate Professional Is Key When Selling Your House

By Nicole McCormick | April 14, 2022

  With today’s real estate market moving as fast as it is, working with a real estate professional is more essential than ever. They have the skills, experience, and expertise it takes to navigate the highly detailed and involved process of selling a home. That may be why the percentage of people who list their houses on […]

It’s Still a Sellers’ Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Nicole McCormick | April 7, 2022

Some Highlights Due to low supply and high demand, today is one of the strongest sellers’ markets we’ve seen. Sellers can benefit from more offers to pick from, higher home values, and a faster sales process. There’s a reason why 72% of people believe it’s a good time to sell. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Let’s connect so you can take […]

What’s Happening with Mortgage Rates, and Where Will They Go from Here?

By Nicole McCormick | March 31, 2022

Based on the Primary Mortgage Market Survey from Freddie Mac, the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has increased by 1.2% (3.22% to 4.42%) since January of this year. The rate jumped by more than a quarter of a point from just a week ago. Here’s a visual to show how mortgage rate movement throughout 2021 was steady compared to […]

The Best Week To List Your House Is Just Around the Corner

By Nicole McCormick | March 31, 2022

Are you thinking about selling your house? If so, you may want to make it a priority to start the process soon. According to, the sweet spot for sellers is just around the corner. In a recent study, experts analyzed housing market trends by looking at data from the past several years (excluding 2020, since it was […]

What You Can Expect from the Spring Housing Market

By Nicole McCormick | March 30, 2022

As the spring housing market kicks off, you likely want to know what you can expect this season when it comes to buying or selling a house. While there are multiple factors causing some uncertainty, including the conflict overseas, rising inflation, and the first rate increase from the Federal Reserve in over three years — the housing market seems to be relatively immune. Here’s […]

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