Agency News and Awards October 8, 2021

Agent Spotlight on Kasey Malone

Green Team Realty Spotlight on Kasey Malone

Hi! My name is Kasey Malone and I am a realtor with the Green Team. I have also worked in NYC on the upper East side as an agent before coming to The Green Team. I live and get to work here in the beautiful Hudson Valley.

 Before entering the real estate profession, what did you do?
I am still a Physical Therapist Assistant and have been for 20+ years.
I also recently started my own business in the Adirondacks caring for luxury vacation rentals and Airbnb’s. 

Green Team Realty Agent Spotlight on Kasey Malone


How and why did you become a real estate agent?
I became an agent by taking the NYS real estate course and exam because I wanted to earn extra money. Real estate has always been an interest of mine as well as interior design. 
What do you like best about being a real estate agent?
Seeing beautiful homes
What do you like least about being a real estate agent?
Not being able to get everything on my clients’ wish list
What was your most memorable/unusual real estate transaction?
Helping a famous actress buy and sell a home would be my most memorable and most unusual would be showing a house that had a small cemetery on the property.
What is it like being part of the Green Team?
Fun! We’re always learning. Fellow agents are kind and helpful.
How would family and friends describe you?
Sweet and kind.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
My daughter!
Green Team Realty Agent Spotlight on Kasey Malone
What does “home” mean to you?
Home is wherever your soul is at peace.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about selling their home?
Make sure they have their permits in order so it doesn’t delay the selling process!
What advice would you give to someone thinking about buying a home?
Make sure they know exactly how much they can afford and have the financials to back it up!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Invest in real estate!

Contact Kasey Malone TODAY!