Agency News and Awards June 28, 2024

Vikki Garby has Reached the 2024 Commission Cap!

Congratulations From Dana Green, President Of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Green Team, to Vikki Garby for reaching the commission cap for Company Dollar Contribution in 2024!



“If you were to ask any of Vikki’s clients, they would undoubtedly say she is a pleasure to work with and one of the most professional agents they’ve ever encountered. Her calm and composed demeanor, coupled with her keen intellect, makes her an exceptional partner for anyone embarking on their real estate journey. Congratulations, Vikki! We are very proud to have you as part of our Agency.”

    -Dana Green


Vikki’s dedication to her clients and hard work has allowed her to reach the cap on her commission with BHGRE Green Team. This is an outstanding accomplishment and means Vikki will now receive a 100% commission split on any deal she closes during 2024.

Vikki Garby

“There are two groups of people to whom I am most grateful for my success as a real estate agent: my clients and our support team at BHGRE Green Team.
I am so appreciative for the trust and confidence that my clients have in me. Buying and selling real estate is not for the faint of heart. It can be a very emotional and overwhelming process whether it is your personal home or a commercial investment. For my clients to trust me to help them navigate this  journey is such a humbling compliment. Furthermore, I am grateful to all of the referrals I receive from friends, family and clients as a referral is the biggest vote of confidence we as agents can receive.
Secondly, my job is enjoyable because I truly love and respect every single team member at BHGRE Green Team. Our admin staff is second to none and I couldn’t do my job as well without the support of our team. They don’t often benefit from the glory but they grind all day and all week to help all of our agents be successful. Thank you, HQ Team! You know who you are.”

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate  Green Team’s commission structure is undoubtedly one of the finest in the industry, but it doesn’t end there.  Our lead generation platform, certified sales assistant program, and dynamic training systems are just a few other things worth mentioning.

Click here to learn more about Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Green Team and why you should join our team.

Congratulations, Vikki Garby!