Agency News and Awards March 20, 2021

2020 Team Player and Citizen of the Year Awards

Thursday, February 11, was the second night of Green Team Realty’s  2020 Awards Celebration. Like many events occurring in 2020, it took place on Zoom!  The first night celebrated Sales Awards. The third and last night was for the Momentum Builder Award.  And this night was to announce the Team Player and Citizen of the Year Awards.

Team Player Award

Geoff Green, President of Green Team Realty, stresses the importance of elevating those around you. .Focusing on winning each day creates a winning culture, a Green Team Core Value. The recipients of this award do all that. In addition, they are deemed most reliable, and positive.  Furthermore, they are dependable, work well with others, and have great problem-solving skills.

Before the winners are announced, a word from our Broker Managers

The Broker Managers were instrumental in selecting the Team Player Award Recipients.  Lucyann Tinnirello, Broker Manager of the Warwick office, said this about her selection:

“The person selected has a lot of the attributes described above. Furthermore, sales associates in the office had a say in the selection and hit the nail right on the head!”

Kim Lasalandra, Broker Manager of the Vernon office, had this to say:

“This person is always very reliable and always seems to be around at the right time. If not out with clients, then she’s in the office helping other agents.”

And the Team Players of the Year are…

Tiffany Megna

Tiffany just celebrated her second year with Green Team.  She had set business goals for herself, which she achieved for 2020. However, she had no idea that she would be named Team Player of Green Team New York Realty. When Lucyann called to tell her, she was overwhelmed with emotion. Tiffany summed up her feelings on teamwork with one of her favorite quotes:

“Teamwork divides the tasks and multiplies the success.”

Green Team New Jersey Realty's 2020 Team Player Award

Cathie loves the truly positive attitude that exists at Green Team New Jersey Realty. She has found a sense of comradery at Green Team that was missing in other offices she has been with. Cathie loves being part of the Green Team and is grateful to be here.

Geoff, in turn, told Cathie how much he appreciates her positive attitude and willingness to help others. He stressed how important connection with others is, especially now. The team players are the ones that help provide that connection, something he is grateful for.

Citizen of the Year Award

Geoff began the presentation of this award with a quote by George Elliston, American Journalist and Poet, 1883-1946:

“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it.”

Recipients of this award have made outstanding contributions to our local communities. Many of the sales associates in each office are very involved in the community, making the decision a difficult one. However, in the end, there were two very deserving individuals who received this award.


Green Team New York Realty Citizen of the Year

According to Lucyann, Carol has a dedicated heart. It takes a special person to be so kind. In addition to being a loving mother, devoted wife, doting grandmother, and busy real estate professional, Carol makes time to give to her community. Carol has been a driver for Meals on Wheels for over 12 years now. It’s been hard during COVID since she hasn’t been able to chat with the seniors she is delivering to. She misses that connection with them as much as they do.

Carol and her husband have always been involved in the community. They raised their children to give back, and are now raising their grandchildren to do the same. Lucyann commented that at Christmas, Carol was at Shoprite, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army with her granddaughter. As Carol says,

“Volunteering is good for the soul.”

Another Green Teamer who believes in the power of volunteering is:

Green Team Realty 2020 Citizen of the Year

Kim stated that Alison is also a dedicated wife, mother, and fabulous real estate agent. She also spends a lot of her time helping the school and the community. Alison is currently the current President of SCA (School Community Association) at Vernon Township High School. She was the treasurer for 2 years. Before that, the secretary. Last year, both the president and vice president vacated their positions. Alison stepped up to become President. What’s more, her mother stepped up to take on the treasurer role.

Basically, the SCA raises a lot of money through different programs to assist the school. 2020 was a difficult year. The usual fundraisers are social events. Therefore, they could not be held due to COVID. An online auction is being planned to raise money for scholarships for high school seniors. The organization also helps senior citizens, and local children through the Giving Tree project.

A surprise ending to the evening…

Geoff was moved by the work that these volunteers and their organizations are doing. Furthermore, upon hearing the difficulties that non-profits were facing raising funds due to COVID, he decided right then to do something special. Each Citizen of the Year Award recipient will receive $500 to be donated to the charities of their choice. Geoff went on to say, when all is said and done, these are the things that will matter most. Family, and helping others.

Congratulations to our Team Players and Citizens of the Year!